Copyright Policy

The website is committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. As such, the website has a strict copyright policy in place.

All content on the website, including text, images, graphics, videos, and other multimedia elements, is protected by copyright laws and belongs to the DTCBus owners.

Users are prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, or displaying any copyrighted material from the website without obtaining explicit permission from the copyright owner. This includes both commercial and non-commercial use of the content. Any unauthorized use of copyrighted material may constitute a violation of copyright laws and result in legal consequences.

DTCBus respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. If any user believes that their copyrighted work has been used on the website without authorization, they are encouraged to contact DTCBus with the relevant details, including identification of the copyrighted work and evidence of ownership.

DTCBus will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, which may include removing the infringing content from the website. By accessing and using, users acknowledge and agree to comply with the copyright policy and refrain from any unauthorized use of copyrighted material. If you have any questions about this copyright policy, please contact the DTCBus owners.

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